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Gandygram March 2024

Gandygram March 2024

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A 60 second update from Germany

What a phenomenal program a team of women designed and held recently. Over 90 women attended a brunch, which was followed by a special women's speaker. It is thrilling to watch as new ministries arise and local leadership desires to leave the fingerprints of God on their community.

A married couple has asked to be baptized on April 28th - as a result, additional people have decided to express their new faith by following Christ in baptism. To be very honest, this is what charges my batteries in ministry - when the lights go on in someone's eyes as they discover Christ's love and forgiveness. Five have already committed to being baptized and I have been speaking with a number of others who express interest.

Pastor David is our first church planter whom we financially support. He reports that five people have received Christ this year in this newly formed community of believers. I will visit Pastor David and his family from April 2nd through the 9th - just to encourage and pray for his family and ministry.


Debbie and I went to a studio to get an updated photo made. It is available for download at this url:

Prayer Points

Praise: New salvation decisions and their willingness to grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus.
Prayer: For the trip to French-speaking Togo (I do not speak French). I do speak church-planting and I seek to encourage this family who plants a church.

Thank you for partnering with us!

For the Gospel!


Printable Letter

For a full-length report, access the Acrobat Reader Prayer letter. The letter explains things a little more in-depth: March 2024


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