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Gandygram August 2023

Gandygram August 2023

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A 60 second update from Germany



With our new full-color printed course on discovering the person of Jesus Christ we have launched a Thursday evening exploration group. Multiple people are attending the evenings with lively question and discussion participation.

Pray with us, that these participants find the peace of a Savior.


It is with great joy that I had people attending services to tell me of their new found peace in Christ. Sandro informed me that his grandmother had passed away while another - a good friend - overdosed in Berlin. It was this loss that sent him on a journey to search for answers about his own destiny for eternity. He wanted me to know that it was only when he submitted himself to the claims of Christ that he found the peace he sought.

Another young girl informed me of her decision to follow Christ and desire to follow in believer's baptism. We will be scheduling that in upcoming weeks, allowing time for others to also join her.

Prayer Points

Praise: Salvation decisions.
Prayer: We still seek a national pastor to assume this work.

Thank you for partnering with us!





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Printable Letter

For a full-length report, access the Acrobat Reader Prayer letter. The letter explains things a little more in-depth: August 2023


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