Category: Blog
Hits: 4431

A new free and very cool feature for your website has been developed by the friendly folks at Logos, called Reftagger.

It allows you to install some very simple code on your webpage, then it automatically highlights and uses a popup to exhibit your bible verses. A variety of versions are available for your own customization.

Hover your mouse over one of these example passages. (Jn 3:16-17, Acts 25:13) Can that be any more simple? Use as many references as you desire in your text/sermon/blog.

The script that you will need can be found here.

Further, you can customize the

You setup the desired settings on their site, then copy the code into your index.php page just before the closing '/body' tag. That simple. On my Joomla template, I needed to dig a little, but a search found my default.php page which proved exactly what I needed.

This is a great resource, if you love putting people in contact with the Word of God and allow them to see for themselves what God desires to communicate.

Kudos to the friends at!