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"You! Sit down!"

That is how I met Florett. 84 years young, originally from Massachusetts, but now living in Idaho. Her voice betrayed her spunk. Whoever crossed her path was going find themselves challenged.

Florett informed me that she had become disenchanted with a particular religion, a church no longer played a role in her life. "I'm an old woman, so I need to know the answer to this question: If I keep the ten commandments and love my neighbor as myself, will that be good enough to go to heaven?"

I replied, "every religion on the planet states, 'Do, do, do...', but Jesus is the only one who says, 'Done!' Jesus said, 'It is finished.'" I explained in brief fashion, that we are resting in Christ' work, not our own.

Florett said, "I am 84 years old and have never heard that. I wish I had known that earlier. I now place my trust in Jesus."

"It is finished" is great news.