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Discover and declare the glory of God.

Maybe discover is somewhat over the top, for He reveals Himself, rather than us discovering. And at the same time, The prophet of old, Jeremiah, states that there is a trigger for this to occur: when we seek for Him with our whole heart. (jer. 29:13)

It seems that the older I get, the shallower many of my motives and intents have been. To see people come to Christ for their salvation is a thrilling objective, but that is now deepening in my own heart - expanding to see the real objective of having God's glory be made known.

Being busy is my distraction from not reflecting too often, but travel affords me the opportunity to step away from certain aspects and provides freedom for meditation. Reassessing His role in every aspect of my life is needed.

So here are a couple of thoughts to consider:

Develop fascination and wonder of your creator. Don't let your heart become stale or mundane. Break out of meaningless routine and refocus on discoing His fingerprint transcending your existence.

Speak His name and nature. Psalms and the Prophets reveal aspects of His character that widen your perspective.

Step out on faith. Obey. At all times. even when it makes no human sense. Those are the times that He is calling to you and you alone to join Him to a special place where He reveals himself.

Dialogue. There a times that prayer feels like a monologue. My soul almost panics in desperation, wondering if renewal is lost. Don't ever settle for a dry season to be the pattern.

Develop a heart that longs to discover and declare the glory of God.